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Dear Blog…

…I’ve missed you. I haven’t been a very good friend to you lately. I really have no excuse. I just haven’t been myself. And I haven’t been comfortable in my own skin. I think that when that happens, we cut ourselves off from the rest of the world. I am one of those who like to share the positive, not the negative. There is already too much negative in our every day.

It has taken much for me to restart this endeavor. Yes, I have had requests to return to blogging. But mainly, I feel the need to return for my own mental health and wellbeing.

I have missed the enjoyment I get from sharing my runs with my readers. I have missed the release I get from pouring my thoughts out into written words. I have missed sharing what I have learned and what I have put into action in regards to diet and exercise. Ultimately, I have missed the art of writing.

The thought of taking on a full time blog once again is somewhat daunting. My life has changed drastically since I have had to return to work, and still continue with Charmed Running. To be honest, the latter has taken a hit as well, and I have let that fall by the wayside.

But now, I find that it is time to regroup, refocus, and start anew. It is spring, after all. I can’t think of a better time to take this bull by the horns and shove him back on the path to bigger and better things.

My immediate focus will be to pick up where I left off, building up the blog here at Charmed Running. It will eventually replace the one at Neon Is My Color. I’ll still be your neon running chick, but with a new venue. I’ll be sure to include some of the best posts I’ve published in the past while forging ahead simultaneously.

I’d love to have you come back and join me on my running journey. I hope I haven’t been gone so long that you have forgotten me. If that is the case, then let’s start on a new page…with a hello, a handshake, and a formal introduction.

Hello! I’m Theresa. I’m a runner and I wear neon. I know you can see me, so please don’t run me over.

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