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He’s a Charmed Runner!

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Meet John Rausin from One Idiot’s Journey

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Tell us all about YOU!
My name is John Rausin. I started running about 3 years ago after some health scares and deciding I needed to get healthy and stay that way. I had run a 5k a year or two before that, but after the health scare, I decided I needed to do something. I had been a tournament bass fisherman for years, and loved it, but in the reality of having to pay off bills, I had to sell my boat. That left a void in my life. I then decided to start running a bit. One thing led to another, and I was told I couldn’t and wouldn’t finish a half Marathon. One thing is, you don’t tell me I can’t do something. Thats like pouring gasoline on a fire. It’s very volatile, and I will make you eat your words. So, I trained myself, and then 2 weeks before, I turned an ankle pretty bad. Shouldn’t have run, but I did. In freezing temperatures, I finished. After it was over, I was so sad. I had spent 3 months training. So, I just kept finding more and more races to run. Now, its a full fledged addiction and I absolutely love it. Last year, I spent the summer training for the Marine Corps Marathon, and then right after that, like any “idiot”, I signed up for another one, and then after failing to finish that one, due to some unlucky circumstances, I signed up for a 3rd. Now, its back to training for the fall calendar chock full of halfs. No more marathons for a while!

How often do you get out there and run?
It honestly depends on the training schedule and what coach lays out for me week to week. Normally, its probably 3-5 times a week .

What has been your biggest obstacle as a runner?
Biggest obstacle has actually been “Obstacles”. #1 has been learning to get out and stay out of my own head / way. Running is such a mental sport. You can affect your performance before you even start. I am so bad with doing this. I have ruined many of runs because of this. #2 would be dealing with setbacks. I hate them. Most recent humbling moment. Being swept from a full marathon after an injury. That hurt so bad. I had finished every race I had ever started. I knew that morning, it was going to be rough from the first stir of the legs, and it just never got any better. I took that one hard, and really, it goes back to #1, staying out of my head. Once I did that, then, I was able to move forward and keep progressing.

What tips do you have for other runners to stay motivated?
#1- Find yourself an accountability Partner or team to work with. The old saying “together we are better” is so true. If you have someone or a team to reach out to when your not feeling it and thinking about bailing, you will stand a lot better chance of succeeding in the long run.
#2- Find a coach, or a training plan, that offers balance. Sure, there are times that you need that 110% focus, but man, you really have to have balance. Having been on both sides of the road now, I much prefer balance. But there is a time for everything. For sure.
#3- Take it a day at a time. Do not get ahead of yourself. If you do, you get in your head, and then it gets back to Obstacle #1, where you will ruin yourself before you start.
#4- Have a why. Why am I doing this? What deep connection does it strike with me. The deeper the better. The old saying “have a why that makes you cry” is so true. The more deeply connected you are to that, the better you are going to hang through the tough times.

How has your Charmed Running item/purchased given you inspiration?
The 2nd time I ever ran the Knoxville Half, I had just gotten to know Theresa. I had wanted something to look at day in and day out to keep me focused. She suggested a paracord bracelet with the LOGO and some shoe charms for that day. I thought this sounded great. She worked with me to get the correct logos, and design . Honestly, they’re hung up on the medal rack with the medals right now, but when it comes time in January to start looking at Knoxville, I always pull them down and wear them. I love them. Such a neat little “focus” reminder.

If you could go back in time and give any advice to a younger you, what would it be?
#1 – Keep your grades up. There are so many things I didn’t get to do in college, because I screwed around in High School. Looking back now, if I had only knew, I would have focused better.
#2- Don’t be afraid to fail! Those scars make you who you are and give you character. “A setback is a setup for a comeback”
#3- Run in High School! If I had only known the love I have for the sport now, I would have totally went and ran in High School. I kick myself daily for that one.

Where is your favorite place to run?
My favorite place to run is the lake. The open water is so serene and peaceful.

Tell us about your online business, blog, or website.
My blog can be found at If you go to that website, you can go back and read week by week through my journey too and through Marine Corps Marathon last year. Also, I have an introductory post as the first post. Now a days, I don’t share as much as when I was training for that special event, but I still do write about all my races and such. I do have a couple of races to get written up in the next couple of days, so there should be some new stuff coming up in the short term. I would love to be able to influence people through my writing more. There is so much untapped potential out there in folks in the world. If I could inspire 1 person, it would all be worth it. I am also open to talking to anyone who needs advice about the sport. All you have to do is reach out. You can get ahold of me on my blog or my email address is

What exciting plans are in your immediate future? (New venture, race, life event, job, etc.)
I actually have a couple of 5k’s left on my spring schedule on July 3rd and 4th, then I am pretty much going head down into training for the fall race calendar. I will be qualifying for the half fanatics in the fall, along with chasing a new PR in the fall for the half distance.

Coming sooner though, I have applied to be a Ambassador for the Asheville Marathon in the spring of 2018. If selected, along with doing promotional work, I will be running the backyard to backyard challenge, which is the half Saturday AND Sunday. I should know if I am selected within a few weeks. So, be on the lookout for that news.

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Editor’s Note: We are so thrilled for John and how far he has come and wish him the best of luck at becoming an ambassador for the Asheville, NC race series!

You can find and communicate with John here! If you do, be sure to let him know Charmed Running sent you!

Charmed Running wishes John many miles of happy smiles ahead!

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