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He’s a Charmed Runner!

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Meet David Johndrow, the Pathetic Runner

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Tell us all about YOU!
My name is David, and I am a pathetic runner. I ran a few 100 yard dashes in high school (70s) back when I was a smoker. 10.6 was my best time. My senior year, I had to a run a mile on the cinder track to get on the hockey team. I forgot my sneakers so I did it barefoot. It took just under 7 minutes and I threw up when I was done.

I didn’t run again until 2011.

I also had congestive heart failure in 2011. I weighed close to 300 pounds. I spent a week in ICU. When I got out, I was on 6 different heart medications. I started walking. At first it was around the block. It took 8 months, but I got up to 3 miles. It took so damn long, that I started running some of it. Eventually I ran all of it. In March of 2012, I ran my first 5K. I have done over 80 races since then, and 7 of them were marathons including NY, Boston, and Chicago

Despite 4 types of cancer in the last 3 years and 17 various surgeries, including heart surgery, a knee repair and a having a colon tumor, I am still running and still pathetic.

How often do you get out there and run?
I run at least 3 times a week. My base is 4 miles, 6 miles, and my long run. I usually fit in at least one fun run with a my girlfriend and occasionally run with other friends.

What has been your biggest obstacle as a runner?
Well, that’s a good question. At first it was heart failure and then cancer. I’m pretty fast and had to learn how to slow it down to get the distance in. My last fast mile was 5:59 and I ran a 21 minute 5K in 2016. I still haven’t run a 4 hour marathon. LOL!

What tips do you have for other runners to stay motivated.
You can run and there are a lot of folks can’t. Run for those who are not able to. Get a friend, get new music, go to a nice place, just get out there and run.

I Run For Waffles Car Magnet available at The Pathetic Runner
I Run For Waffles Car Magnet available at The Pathetic Runner

How has your Charmed Running item/purchased given you inspiration? 
I like my I Run for Waffles magnet that is on my car. 🙂

Where is your favorite place to run?
Near the ocean. Me and the ocean are best friends.

If you could go back in time and give any advice to a younger you, what would it be?
Don’t party, just run. It makes you feel like what you were hoping for anyway – and no hangover!

Tell us about your online business, blog, or website.
I started writing blogs back in the 90s as a Christian apologist. It was a way to express my passion, talk about my mission trips, and it was a form of study. After I had congestive heart failure in 2011, I started writing about my recovery, my fear of never getting better, and my journey back to health. I wrote about food, weight loss, embarrassing doctors appointments, and my running. My readers encouraged me to write a book, “ICU to Marathon – Diaries of a nearly dead man”. The first step was to run a marathon, then write the book. 🙂 The last chapter was about the Cape Cod Marathon. From there I became the Pathetic Runner, and have been ever since.

What exciting plans are in your immediate future? (New venture, race, life event, job, etc.)
At first I want to run a marathon in all 50 states, then I got cancer and got it again and again. Now I just want to finish the 6 world majors. I have completed Boston, Chicago and NYC. I am registered for Berlin and in the sweepstakes for London 2018.

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Editor’s Note: Charmed Running is personally inspired by David every damn day. Overcoming health issues is one of the most difficult obstacles you can face. We are also proud to supply the Pathetic Runner with exclusive Charmed Running items sold only at the Pathetic Runner shop!

You can find and communicate with David here! If you do, be sure to let him know Charmed Running sent you!

Charmed Running wishes David many miles of happy smiles and good health ahead.

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