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She’s a Charmed Runner!

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Meet Sue Cloutier of Runner Girls Podcast

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Tell us all about YOU! 

I am a 36 year old small business owner and mother to two beautiful teenagers. I was never athletic growing up, as I was generally very uncoordinated, but I did enjoy swimming and biking and running around outside. I only started running in my thirties as a means of weight loss, but quickly became hooked on the training and racing of the sport. As soon as I learned to run the 5k distance, I knew I wanted to run half and full marathons. I have now completed 14 half marathons, 4 full marathons, and one 50K, as well as countless 5k and 10k races.

How often do you get out there and run?

As often as I can, although I do make myself take rest days when I’m recovering from a hard race or if I feel a possible injury coming on. I run 4-6 days per week when training for marathons, and 3-4 days per week between training cycles.

What has been your biggest obstacle as a runner?

Not being physically resilient enough to run all the miles that I would like! I love running, and am extremely performance-oriented, so I want to train like a competitive athlete and run high mileage and double workouts. Unfortunately, I have a 36-year-old mom-bod that’s been inactive for most of my life, so I have to reign myself in.

What tips do you have for other runners to stay motivated.

Do what moves you! If running is your passion, find a race that really excites you. If you’re not motivated to run on passion alone, find a friend or group to run with to hold you accountable. If you’re still having trouble getting motivated, maybe running isn’t your thing. Explore other options and find out what brings you joy.

How has your Charmed Running item/purchased given you inspiration?

Sue's Exclusive Charmed Running Runner Girls Edition Shoe Charm
Sue’s Exclusive Charmed Running Runner Girls Edition Shoe Charm

I have one charm to remind me of my first marathon, which was such a huge accomplishment for me, and inspires me to continue to push my limits. I also have a charm with the logo for the running podcast that I co-host with two other wonderful running ladies, the Runner Girls podcast. This has been a huge source of motivation for me because we get to share our running journeys and hold each other accountable. 

Where is your favorite place to run?

There are so many! Give me a road, a sidewalk, a track, or a trail, and some moderate weather, and I’m golden. Just don’t make me resort to the treadmill. I beg you!

If you could go back in time and give any advice to a younger you, what would it be?

Hang in there! It gets better, and you’d be amazed at what you will do if you’re consistent and realistic in your training.

Tell us about your online business, blog, or website.

Meagan, Katie, and Sue of Runner Girls Podcast

As I mentioned earlier, I am co-host of a running podcast called Runner Girls. We talk about our goals and training, share race recaps, and recognize the efforts and achievements of our listeners. We also talk about different topics related to running – training, acclimating to seasonal running, how to deal with the demands of life, and plenty of personal issues that affect women runners as well. 

What exciting plans are in your immediate future? (New venture, race, life event, job, etc.)

Having just completed my first ultramarathon, and running a personal best in my fourth marathon, I actually don’t have any exciting plans in the near future, other than my eternal running goal of qualifying for Boston. I’m seeing consistent progress, and am always excited to begin each new training cycle to get closer to that goal!


Meagan, Katie, and Sue of Runner Girls Podcast
Meagan, Katie, and Sue of Runner Girls Podcast


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Editor’s Note: Charmed Running is a personal fan of the Runner Girls Podcast. If you don’t listen to podcasts while you run, I highly recommend that you try it. There is something for everyone out there in Podcast land. Running with the Runner Girls is like running with a gaggle of your girlfriends. I actually find myself chiming in to their recorded conversations…out loud…as I run! It cracks me up.

You can find and communicate with Sue and the Runner Girls here! If you do, be sure to let them know Charmed Running sent you!

Charmed Running wishes Sue many miles of happy smiles ahead!

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